How can caregivers help with their loved ones Medicare decisions?
Medicare Annual Open Enrollment (AEP) runs yearly from October 15 – December 7. Medicare recipients are permitted to change their coverage choices for the upcoming year at this time. Caregivers often find themselves in a position to help their loved one make decisions, so it’s important to be ready when the time comes. Here are some things you can do to be prepared to help.
You must get authorized to obtain your loved one’s personal health information. To do this, you need to fill out a Medicare Authorization Form. All of the directions are on the form for you and your loved one to file for an authorization request.
Reach out to Adolph Benefits Consulting, 443-402-3170, and we can review your loved one’s plan, review health status, care needs, preferred doctors and prescription drug use along with preferred pharmacy. This will determine if they are in the plan best suited for their unique needs or if we should consider a change to increase benefits and/or lower costs.
If you and your loved one decide to enroll in or switch plans at this time ONLY will we need to collect personal information. This includes some of the following: Date of Birth, contact information, current insurance information and how they plan on paying their premium payment.